I met Risa a few years back at a female photographers group and had the immense pleasure of photographing her when she won a giveaway. Alongside her hubby, they’re an amazing team of wedding and real estate photographers so I was SUUUUUPER nervous not to mess up!
In the end, I LOVED these portraits because Risa is sweet, calm and gentle and just the most mellow human on the planet. But then she got in front of my camera and turned into this….. like…. FIERY, FIERCE, POWERFUL, CONFIDENT WARRIOR OF A WOMAN.
Some things, like inner strength and steadiness, badassery, show up best in photographs. It’s MAGICAL. It never ceases to amaze me. It gives me goosebumps. Chills.
It does not go unnoticed that not EVERYONE feels this way about their job. But I do. THANK GOD I DO. Thank god I care so much, that I get so worked up, that I get stage fright right before a shoot. It tells me every cell of my body understand HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS.
And make no mistake – THIS. IS. IMPORTANT.
Anyways, don’t mind me. Just getting weepy about how dang much I love this. Enjoy a few of my favorites!
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