I wanna give you something you never asked for: permission.
Permission to enjoy your life (your vacation, your beach trips, taking pictures, traveling, holidays, special occasions, totally ordinary days, etc etc).
I give it to you. I bless you with permission to have a good time and laugh and run and swim without a care in the world.
Permission to suck in your belly or to not suck in your belly.
Permission to be sexy or to be a dumpster goblin.
Permission to take one fucking second and not to worry about what your body looks like. Permission to just be.
That’s my gift to you. You get to go thru life on your own terms. This world will have you believing this shit matters.
But the truth is, the only thing that matters is this:
you have a body,
(it is neither good nor bad)
it is no more than a shell that holds the ethereal, mesmerizing, splendid magical spirit that is YOU.
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