I say this every chance I get – please, please, please, please – GET MATERNITY PICTURES TAKEN.
My daughter was born prematurely and the ONLY images I have of my beautiful pregnancy (where I’d never felt more beautiful, sexy and full of life) are crappy cell phone selfies in random bathrooms. I will never have that time back.
Yes, pregnancy is hard. Yes, the aches, the pains, the weird feeling that your own body doesn’t belong to you. I GET IT. But find someone who loves this shit as much as me, and let them photograph you. It doesn’t have to be me. Hell, set a timer on your phone and do it yourself. BUT DO IT.
If you hate them, you’ll never look at them again. But I promise you, one day you’ll look at them with kinder eyes and UNDERSTAND just how fleeting and magical it is.
ANYWAYS haha rant over. I love you. Do it. TRUST ME.
Here’s some of my favorites from my shoot with Patricia (who is a walking goddess). These first few shots I shot in my frickin’ backyard on a random sunny spring day.

Good article!
Good luck!