Here’s a few random fun facts about me:
* my name is Irina, I’m a portrait photographer for women!
* I don’t care how you pronounce my name but I love you 30% more if you try to say it right (it’s the letter E + re + nah)
* I’m a mom to one fantastic stubborn empowered little girl
* I started shooting weddings in 2011 but it wasn’t until 2013 that I specialized in women’s portraits when my daughter was born.
* I’m a Taurus meaning sorry is very hard for me to say, I’m stubborn and sometimes vain but god I love my people and I’m fiercely protective of my circle.
* my best friend in the whole wide world is my momma
* I love to cook for my clients and don’t be surprised if I stuff you with food while you get glammed up
* I was born in Romania and moved to the US when I was 14
* I am most like my father and also he infuriates me the most.
* I don’t really have a filter bc I think it’s a waste of time to pretend I’m someone I’m not. I’m often just as surprised as everyone else by what comes out of my mouth.
* I’m bossy, deeply extroverted and thrive in social settings. I was made to be a photographer.
* last month I was voted best in business by the vancouver business journal and when I found out I sobbed for two days because I LOVE this little business of mine so much. It has empowered me, supported my dreams and taken me beyond my wildest dreams.
* I’m constantly grateful this is my actual job.
PS. Enjoy these selfies I snagged on a random snow day near our house!

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