Jasmine’s aunt came to get pictures taken with me twice now, once for maternity and once for herself and she LOVED her experience so much that when her niece needed senior pictures, she immediately thought of me.
And I’m so grateful because Jasmine was such a pleasure to photograph. A little timid at first, she light up as my hair and makeup artist, Linda Wong brought her vision to life. And how cool is that metallic crease?! Teenagers are so cool nowadays.
We took a few shots in the studio but mostly, to fit the vibe of her inspiration board (which, by the way, was so cool I saved it in my phone lol) we walked around downtown Vancouver and the new waterfront.
I think they turned out so good and you should have seen her reveal session – Jasmine kept gasping like “OH, I LOVE that one! I love that one too! Is that really me?!”
Anyways, Jasmine is cool and she’s going off to do great things, and she’s already an artist in her own right and I’m so excited to see how she leaves her mark on this world.
Without further ado, here are favorites from our shoot!

She looks fantastic and energetic