From the first flower to this armful, I’m celebrating 37 years of life today!
And I dunno about you guys but I LOVE my birthdays! There’s always sunshine, there’s always friends and family, and there’s always cake! What’s not to love?!?
Even now I’m cracked up on happiness, unable to sleep, delirious with anticipation to see my girlfriends, certain that at some point I will sob tears of gratitude for all life has given me.

My love for this day is completely because of my parents, who have created one amazing memory after another.
Birthdays surrounded by lilacs and daffodils and tulips, magical delicious cakes, friends that loved me truly and wholeheartedly, dancing in living rooms, beaches and parking lots, beautiful presents and delicate dresses, laughing at the dinner table, so many beautiful memories….
My parents colored my life with so much magic and beauty that I have no choice but to love love love my birthday!
So cheers to them for teaching me how to love myself, how to celebrate this day and make a big deal about it, and yes even take studio pictures and buy myself flowers.
I was also incredibly inspired by past clients who have booked me for their birthday and celebrated with a photoshoot. It feels like such a magical way to celebrate your life.
What about you, would you celebrate your birthday with a photoshoot? And if so, would there be birthday cake involved? PLEASE LET THERE BE BIRTHDAY CAKE INVOLVED!!
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