I LOVE photographing women. I think at this point, it’s OBVIOUS.
OK, well I DO.
I got into this game (of empowering women thru photography) as you all know, after I had my daughter. And I realized how frickin lonely it can be to be a mom, to want to be perfect at everything all the time (as most women do) and how little we do for ourselves.

It’s hardly our fault, we’re just wired that way. Givers, nurturers, caretakers, badass warriors, multitaskers…. WHO IN THE WORLD has time for themselves when an entire galaxy rests on your shoulders.

So I created an experience that would PAMPER women, pull them out of their day to day grind, make them see just how incredible and beautiful any woman can be in front of the camera. I figured if I could convince the women in front of my lens to stop hating themselves (for being HUMAN BEINGS), to LOVE LOVE LOVE photographs of themselves, to see what the people that love them see… then maybe, JUST MAYBE, it’s one less thing holding them back from greatness (or badassery, as I like to call it).

THIS YEAR (and for the rest of my career, I hope) I want to take it a step further: I want to challenge all my clients and all the women in my life to step in front of my camera, bare faced. No makeup, no hair, no frills, no fancy set ups or wardrobe. JUST AS YOU ARE.

Once a year, come experience being photographed JUST AS YOU ARE, imperfectly perfect. Let’s create a lifetime documentation as you age, as you change and mold and become EXACTLY the kind of woman you’ve dreamed of becoming.

I care so deeply about these sessions and the power of seeing you in your grace and beauty in the most raw form, that I’m gifting these sessions and the images we create for just the session fee ($100) for returning clients. New clients will be able to purchase these sessions at just $200.

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