How lucky am I?
I have been loved for over 31 years by this magical creature. Any moment I feel unimportant or small or like I don’t matter in this great big world, I look at these old photographs. I look at my mom with her crazy 80’s perm and thick frames and I ask myself: “If this wonderful, loving, brilliant woman looked at me like this…. with all the love a human could muster, how could I not be special? I have to be, to have been loved so fiercely by someone so otherworldly.”
I always get emotional on her birthday because how could I possibly express what my mom means to me? To call her my best friend feels inadequate. She’s more than a soul sister, more than a soulmate. Something stronger than that. Something for which words haven’t yet been invented.
Oh momma, I love you fiercely. More than my stupid brain can understand. You have been such an amazing example for the kind of woman I wanted to become, the kind of mother I dreamed of being.
I wish you a million moments of happiness. I wish you boundless joy and most of all – I wish for you to never lose your appetite for life and laughter.
Thank you for raising me.
Thank you for putting up with my tornado-like energy and violent mood swings.
Thank you for letting me swear in front of you.
Thank you for not judging me if I walk into your house and immediately go to the stove to see what you’re cooking for me…errmmm…I mean dad.
Thank you for loving Dani more than me.
Thank you for being #grandmagoals.
Thank you for laughing at my stupid jokes.
Thank you for reading my blogs, anything I write on Facebook, watching every video I make, coming to every show I’m a part of, just all around pimping me to anyone who mentions photography.
Goddamit I sure do love you. Happiest of birthdays, you weirdo.
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