I wish we could get rid of the concept of a normal life.
What the fuck is that?
I have friends who went thru horrible divorces and friends who married their soulmates. And you know what? They’re all ok. They’re all on amazing paths that should never be compared because our path belongs to us only.
I know childless people who do incredible things for a living, I know people who’ve lost babies and carry on bravely; people who worship at the chubby feet of their babies and people who need a glass of wine in preparation for bedtime stories.
Ain’t no wrong way to do life.
Just live it.
Do things that make you happy quit jobs that make you fucking miserable, leave assholes who treat you like garbage, dump friends who gossip behind your back.
You only get this one tiny life. Tiny. I said it.
I’ve been on this earth 31 years now and I’m crippled with anxiety at the thought of it one day ending. I have savored good days and awful horrible days, I have walked thru summer rains, picked wild flowers in fields, I have cried over unrequited love and felt the flutter of first true love butterflies, loved people, lost people; I have moved and stretched and I have fallen. I have felt pain and joy, I’ve lived and you know what? It leaves me ACHING for more.
Goddamit this life is so beautiful.
Wake up and realize there is no right or wrong way to live your life.
Try to be happy. Try to make others happy. Repeat.
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